I reserved my opinions about her until after I seen her special. Damn that woman is dumber than a box of rocks.Seriously 8 kids on top of the 6 you already have. As I continued to watch I began to realize that's she's just trying to make herself look god, but I feel like it backfired in her face.
There's nothing wrong with the way that she got pregnant. Its something wrong with the situation she was in when she did it. Nadya made it clear that the father wasn't there for any of the first 6 kids. Granted they might have had an agreement that he didn't have to be there ; but she herself admitted that she secretly wanted him to be..CRAZY. News flash if he wasn't there for any of the first 6 why in the world would he be there for the next 8?
I keep asking myself what makes her think that she's going to be ab;e to care for 14 kids? When in 2007 while she was 5mths pregnant her 5 yr old went missing. The child was later found with the nanny. That lets me know that she has too many kids already. Your first thought wasn't maybe he's with the nanny? Her 2 yr old is extra violent he kicked one of the Octuplets in the head, slapped the mess out of the mother. During the interview she said something about not being the best mother and the oldest child chimed in telling her that she isn't the best mother in the world. What's most shocking was that she admitted that she never thought about the future; how is it that you have 6 kids(at that time) and not thought about the future.
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